
Hello, I am Mark Brazier. For the last 33 years or so I have been collecting images with my cameras. Over time, my skills have been developed and techniques learned, forgotten and invented!

My pictures have appeared in global calendars, national magazines, related websites and the local newspaper. They also appear on my walls. More recently I have started to submit to various microstock sites.

One thing I am forever mesmerised by is the natural world. The places where man has had minimum intervention and impact seem to be the most beautiful. Not a coincidence I think!

I find the taking of a photograph extremely difficult without a camera of some sort, and having one being a great advantage over having NONE!

Currently my equipment is as follows
Nikon D90-heavily used secondhand
105mm f2.8 macro used
10-20mm sigma zoom second hand
Nikon 35mm f1.8 afs New !!
Nikon 70-300mm afs vr used part ex
Old big heavy tripod used
Biggest FLM Ball head with friction control-shop soiled
Lots of home made gadgets - brackets, reflectors and flash modifiers
mostly used for macro work

One thing I find myself lacking in is sufficient time to photograph those parts of the world I have not yet had the time to visit.

I, like a much wiser observer, tend to find the 6” immediately behind the viewfinder the most important tool I have at my disposal. Herein I am assembling what I consider to be some of my most satisfying images, so that I can share them with you. Please look around and enjoy the ride.

“Chance favours the prepared mind.” Louis Pasteur

“Human subtlety will never devise an invention more beautiful, more simple or more direct than does nature because in her inventions nothing is lacking, and nothing is superfluous.” Leonardo da Vinci